Where do you ship from?
All painting kits are shipped from Shenzhen (China) via direct airline or from our US warehouse in Texas (only for Us customers and subject to availability).
How long will it take to get my package?
We will need 3-5 business days to prepare your order (regular paint by numbers) or 5-10 business days to produce your custom painting. Once packed and handed to the carrier, shipping takes 7-15 business days.
For [USA Stock] kits shipped from our Texas warehouse, we will need 1-2 business days to prepare the order plus 2-6 business days shipping (standard) or 1-2 business days (expedited).
Kindly check each product shipping info tab to confirm production and shipping times.
What carrier do you use?
Overseas kits ship from China using Yun Express, Wanb Express, YDH, or FedEx. Once your order arrives in the US, USPS will handle the delivery.
For [USA Stock] kits, we use USPS, DHL, or FedEx.
How can I track my order?
We will send your tracking information to the email address used at checkout. You can also track your order on our tracking page.
Please check your spam folder if you do not receive any order or shipping confirmation emails
What is package protection?
Package protection is an insurance item added by default to your cart. It protects your shipments against loss, damage, theft, or misplacement after delivery, and it costs less than $0.98 for orders under $100, or 2%, or the order value above $100.
You can opt out anytime by toggling it off. Bear in mind we won't be liable for any in-transit issues that might happen if you do so.
Do I need to pay duty fees?
No. We already cover these fees, and you won't be asked to pay anything extra to deliver your order.
My order has been returned to sender
Kindly note that your responsibility is to monitor the shipping updates. If the driver cannot access your address to deliver (i.e., gated access), the parcel will be left at the local post office for pickup or redelivery. If you entered the wrong address at checkout, it will be returned to us.